Simone Saunders
Calgary, Alberta
Studio: How would you describe your approach to your medium? What made you choose it?
Simone Saunders: I am very contemplative at my loom. Before I begin to tuft, I draw the basic composition, but while I tuft I always leave room for play. Each moment back at the loom brings growth - both in myself and the piece- so it's important that my experience and emotion influence the piece. There is a spiritual element to this medium, the intertwining of threads is metaphoric to me. The content of my work is rooted in my Black history and in unearthing narratives reflecting Black womanhood, so there is always an invitation for my ancestors to shine through me.
S: How would you describe yourself, personally and professionally?
SS: I am a dreamer. I believe the imagination is a powerful tool. I have a background in acting, so given that, I fuel my textiles with a strong narrative. I channel storytelling into the nesting of my threads. Without dreaming the world is much less colourful. I want to see in rainbow vision!

S: What inspires you?
SS: Black women and their Joy, their resilience and their strength. I am inspired by soulful music and 90s hip-hop. The beauty and ornate patterns of Art Nouveau inspires me, the visuals from Canadian landscapes and the tropics of my ancestors. The haunting tales of Edgar Alan Poe, the timeless complexities of plays by Shakespeare and the force from writers like Angela Davis, Toni Morrison and Alice Walker. I soak in my experiences and have an awareness as to what my heart and curiosity holds close.
S: What do you see as your contribution to the field of your craft?
SS: The tufting gun is predominantly used as a machine to create rugs. There is a small (and growing) stream of artists and hobbyists who are using this tool to create wall art. The type of design and portraiture that I create with this tool is unique.
S: What wisdom do you want to impart to younger makers?
SS: Don't ever stop dreaming. When creating, put aside the thoughts of whether something is good or bad or acceptable, only realize 'what makes me happy'? Share from your heart and soul. Your voice is important and necessary. You have so much to give!
Simone Saunders
ig: @simoneelizabethtextiles
This article was published in the Fall/Winter 2021 issue of Studio Magazine.