
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Vol. 11 No. 1

Vol. 11 No. 1

Spring / Summer 2016


In this issue of Studio several articles look into the ways in which we migrate – geographically, emotionally, creatively. They prompt a range of questions: When do we arrive? What things do we carry with us? How well can we know where we are?

The languages used by craft and design makers may vary from medium to medium as they do from region to region, but some things remain consistent throughout.

One author spoke to immigrants to Canada to get their views of a new home. We also look to other forms of definition of place: what do the Prairies really mean, how can a kiln speak a regional dialect, what can be special about rural residence and of course, who is this year’s Canadian craftsperson of the year as recognized by the Governor General’s Bronfman Award?

With questions of global movement and cultural identity being discussed across the social and political discourse we have an occasion to explore these ideas as they resonate with craft and design issues. Our material culture is ours wholly, defined by us together. Studio remains curious about what intelligent inclusion can mean and how our journey together makes better that world in which we are always arriving.



Congratulations and announcements

Under the Radar
Spotting lesser known talent

Four makers discuss cultural and creative migration


A new National Craft award
The Director of the Canadian Crafts Federation introduces the Robert Jekyll Award.


A new exhibition shows that ‘métiers d’art’ is not as simple a corollary to the word ‘craft’ as is sometimes presumed. Bruno Andrus discusses.

Rural Creativity

Kat Frick Miller tells of Nova Scotia’s successes in migrating new creativity to the countryside.

Voice of a Kiln

The Noborigama kiln at the Banff Centre has a storied voice. Angela Schenstead explores its dialect.

Vol. 11 No. 2

Vol. 11 No. 2

Vol. 10 No. 2

Vol. 10 No. 2