Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!
Glassblower Katherine Gray writes about her career from making functional and sculptural vessels to working in larger institutions, and her forays into the public eye.
An exploration of the work by Inuit artists at the Canadian Pavilion of the Gwangju Biennial in Korea.
“AJA Louden, Amiskwaciwâskahikan (Edmonton, Alta.)
Caroline Pham, Montréal, Que.
Djuna Day, Toronto, Ont.
“Craft historian, academic and author Michael Prokopow examines the power of the handmade.”
“Established by Anne Madeleine McMaster, the Jean Johnson Craft Writing Award recognizes the importance of supporting writing about craft by an emerging writer or curator.”
Shifting Ground Symposium, Harbourfront Centre and Craft Ontario presented Shifting Ground Symposium in November of 2022.
Making Grief, AGB and Studio Magazine present Soft Topics, a series of events on the power of craft to subvert and persevere in times of crisis.
Challenging Limits, a panel discussion that highlights the complex issues surrounding the Canadian craft landscape and explore best practices in the areas of diversity and inclusion.
Tosca Terán and Robyn Wilcox, a conversation about craft, art and design, bio-materials and Myco-materials.